Allied Committee for the Trucking Industry

ACT 1 member companies are dedicated to enhancing the business environment of the transportation industry. As an ACT 1 member, PrePass Safety Alliance engages with a wide range of transportation leaders to exchange ideas for building a stronger, safer, more prosperous trucking industry. ACT 1 sponsors and supports many national industry meetings.

American Transportation Research Institute

ATRI is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit research organization whose primary mission is to conduct transportation research, with an emphasis on the trucking industry’s essential role in a safe, efficient and viable transportation system. PrePass Safety Alliance is a sponsor of ATRI and Alliance Board member Brenda Neville of the Iowa Motor Truck Association serves on ATRI's Board of Directors.

American Trucking Associations

Since 1933, American Trucking Associations has been the recognized voice of the trucking industry in Washington, D.C. and at the state level through its federation of state associations and individual members. Through its sponsorship of ATA, PrePass Safety Alliance also provides funding for the Share the Road Program, the National Truck Driving Championships and National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. PrePass is the only weigh station bypass service endorsed by ATA.

Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance is a nonprofit association comprised of local, state, provincial, territorial and federal commercial motor vehicle safety officials and industry representatives. As a Premier sponsor of CVSA, the Alliance supports the goal of uniformity, compatibility and reciprocity of commercial motor vehicle inspections and enforcement by certified inspectors dedicated to driver and vehicle safety.

Intelligent Transportation Society of America

The Intelligent Transportation Society of America advances the research and deployment of intelligent transportation technologies to save lives, improve mobility, promote sustainability, and increase efficiency and productivity. PrePass Safety Alliance was a charter member of ITS America in 1993 and continues to support its vision of a better future transformed by intelligent mobility: safer, greener, smarter. Alliance President & CEO Mark Doughty serves on the ITS America Executive Committee and chairs its Governance Committee.


SmartWay helps companies advance supply chain sustainability by measuring, benchmarking, and freight transportation efficiency, as well as sharing information about fuel use and freight emissions. As an EPA SmartWay Affiliate, the Alliance’s PrePass weigh station bypass has reduced truck-related emissions by more than 765,000 metric tons over the past two decades, the equivalent of taking over 136,000 automobiles off the road. The Alliance shares SmartWay’s goal of improving sustainability and reducing transportation costs.


TAT (formerly Truckers Against Trafficking) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity whose mission is to educate, equip, empower, and mobilize members of key industries and agencies to combat human trafficking. TAT provides industry-specific free human trafficking training to members of the trucking, truck stop, bus, school transportation, transit, and energy industries. TAT’s materials equip drivers with the knowledge they need to report trafficking incidents and assist in efforts to bring traffickers to justice. For more information about TAT, visit

PrePass Safety Alliance Also Supports