August 28, 2024

How to Make Your Voice Heard on NextNav’s Disastrous FCC Petition

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is reviewing a petition that could significantly disrupt two critical aspects of the transportation industry: electronic tolling and weigh station bypass systems. Weigh station bypass ensures vehicles move safely and efficiently across the country, and electronic tolling generates $20 billion annually. Both rely heavily on the 902-928 MHz communication channels. However, NextNav, Inc. has petitioned to reconfigure these frequencies to establish a new national network. If the FCC approves this petition, it could render existing communication devices inoperable, threatening the efficiency, safety, and revenue of these essential services.


What can be done:

Write to the FCC in opposition to the NextNav petition. Comments are due by September 5, 2024. NextNav says its entire petition must be granted to assure commercial viability; compromise and protection of the 902-928 MHz sub-band is not in the cards.

Send in your comments by using the FCC electronic filing system: and specify WT Docket No. 24-240.


How to Submit an Online Filing to the FCC: A Step-by-Step Guide

Filing comments with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) can be a straightforward process if you know the steps. Whether you’re submitting a detailed document or a quick comment, this guide will walk you through each step, ensuring your voice is heard.

Step 1: Prepare Your Document

Before you start, make sure your document is ready. The FCC accepts various file formats, but we strongly recommend using PDF for consistency across platforms. Include your name and address in the document, then save it with a recognizable name in a location where you can easily find it later.

When you’re ready, visit the FCC’s electronic filing system:

Step 2: Enter the Docket Number

Once you’re on the FCC Filings Form page:

  • In the “Proceeding(s)” text box, enter the docket number related to the filing. This number corresponds to the issue you’re commenting on.
  • Ensure the correct proceeding title appears in the pop-up box, then select it or press ENTER. The system will highlight your docket number in yellow.

Step 3: Provide Your Name

Next, enter your full name in the “Name(s) of Filer(s)” box:

  • Type your name and press ENTER. The system will highlight your name in yellow, confirming successful entry.

Step 4: Add Your Email Address

In the “Primary Contact Email” box, enter your email address. This step ensures you receive a confirmation email. Rest assured, the FCC won’t make your email public unless you include it in the document or comment.

Step 5: Select the Type of Filing

Now, choose the nature of your filing:

  • In the “Type of Filing” box, select “Comment” from the dropdown menu. This option is the most common type of submission.

Step 6: Skip Non-Essential Fields

You can skip the boxes labeled “Report Number,” “Bureau ID,” and “File Number,” as they are not necessary for most filings.

Step 7: Provide Your Address

  • In the “Address of” box, select “Filer” from the dropdown menu since you are the person submitting the comment.
  • Fill in your address details, including the city, state, and ZIP code.

Step 8: Upload Your Document

If you’re submitting a pre-written document:

  • Click on the hyperlink in the “Upload Documents” box. This will open a file browser window where you can navigate to your saved document.
  • Select the document and click “Open” to upload it. Once successfully uploaded, the document’s name will appear in blue under the Upload Documents area.

Step 9: Review and Submit

  • To confirm everything is correct, click the Email Confirmation checkbox. This action sends a confirmation of your submission to your email.
  • Click “Continue to review screen” to review all the information you’ve entered. If everything looks accurate, click the “Submit” button to finalize your filing.

If you notice any mistakes, use the BACK button on your browser to correct them before submitting.

Step 10: Confirmation and Final Steps

After you submit, there will be a delay before your comments appear on the FCC website. However, if you receive the confirmation email—typically within minutes—your filing has been successfully submitted.

Congratulations! You’ve completed your filing and can now exit the webpage.

By following these steps, you ensure the FCC properly records and considers your comments, allowing you to contribute to important proceedings.